La Angel Predilecta


Oh my god, I stay in Lion. This is a really nice town. On Wednesday When I arrived to Lion at 23:15 We went to have dinner at COPOS, It was Rocio’s Birthday. Later, We went to the party. How I was drunk! Sandra and I returned home at 7’04 y 32 seconds hahahaha. This night We remaind Rousa and Irene a lot because San and I was drinking as Irene, two "Vodka’s cachis" were driking very quickly and after other was drinking more slowly. We were invited by some boys. Leon’s people are very nices.Tell me it to me!hahahahaha
Certainly, I met a boy who plays the battery onces or more with Saratoga and Bethoven-R. hahahahaha there was a lot of hevay’s Pub.

Today, It´s Genarín, Lion party, Will I go to the party and will I drink?? hahahaha
What so ironic question.

3 comentarios

Marwirita -

juasjuasjuas gracias miquel!!! Es k como un vecino como tú como para no mejorarlo, por cierto tus amigos eran muy majos y pude practicar mucho con ellos a pesar de k me fui a León y estuve pocos días con vosotros.
K tela!! Conociste a my teacher de la escuela de idiomas en el benacantil de botellón, a ver lo k dirá en clase...
Lo siento por lo del vaso k se me cayó... Oh my gogh

Mike -

Preferate nieghbour your english is improving ALOT, O MY GOSH.

el del quinto -

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Are you sure it was León you visited? Every place looks quite the same after a cachi of vodka. Let alone two...